
PATTERN 2nd Mutual Learning Event

27th Apr 2023

The objective of the second Mutual Learning Event was to identify existing practices on Open and Responsible Research and Innovation (Open RRI), complementing the parallel PATTERN mapping activity of current materials, sources, trainings on Open RRI.

The event was structured across three main perspectives: 

The expected learning outcomes, the trainers, and the courses or future PATTERN trainings. 

The participants started questioning specific aspects on trainings, purpose, formats etc and then discussed on a broader view on the societal changes, pressure, career, employability etc.

Trainers had the role to determine the baseline of learning outcomes to be achieved and additionally offer keep track of participants’ interests and needs. 


Recommendations stemming from the event:

  • To share all our knowledge and good practices, to look at what it is already there that we can learn from each other  
  • Co-create among the training community, but also with the participants 
  • Listen to the participants, their assessment and their needs, their motivations 
  • Also do a follow up evaluation after a while 
  • Critically reflect on our own openness, flexibility, creativeness 
  • Address participants where they are and offering them different entrance levels 
  • Being inclusive on a micro but also on a macro level